About Developer’s Game Jam: Gamebird Edition

Telenor Velocity has partnered with Epiphany to host the Developers’ Game Jam: GameBird Edition. The Jam is open for everyone – developers, non-developers, game designers or novices, artists, writers, anyone with a creative streak! WINNING GAMES WILL BE FEATURED ON TELENOR’S ESPORTS PLATFORM, GAMEBIRD!


This Developer’s Game Jam will be spread over four weeks to enable you to be thoughtful and creative about your game. The Game Jam will start from August 22 till September 18, 2022, with weekly workshops, webinars, and mentorship weekends as you go through your journey. The Closing Ceremony will be held in person at Telenor’s 345 campus, in the last week of September 2022.


Desi/local games

Game Genre

You can choose to make your game in any genre you like.

Frequently Asked Questions

  •  Who can apply?

Developers’ Game Jam: GameBird Edition is open for all! You can participate individually or as a team from anywhere in Pakistan. Also, international participants are welcome as long as they team up with one Pakistani. A team with a minimum of 3 members – one games developer/programmer, one artist/illustrator and one game designer – is suggested. Experienced individuals/teams, especially women, are highly encouraged to apply!

  • What can I make my game in?

Anything, as long as it is developed for the web browser and mobile (Unity Web GL build + APK formats for instance). Web browser compatibility is preferred. Some commonly used platforms are Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Buildbox, and Scratch.

  • What assets can I use?

As long as you own it, you can use it! Avoid using art and audio assets that do not belong to you or are copyrighted. Also note, open APIs, plugins, and scripts are allowed.

  • Judging Criteria

Games will be ranked on Game Mechanics, Core Game Loop, Alignment with the Theme, Audio Visual Experience, Character Design, Most Original Game, Most Relatable Game, Best Overall Experience, Crowd Favorite

  • Who will judge the game?

The games will be judged by a panel of experts from the games industry. The winner will receive fame, prize money, and have their game featured on GameBird. (Terms and conditions apply). The results will be revealed when this process is over.

  • What can I win?

Besides fame, glory, social media celebrity status, a pat on the back, inner happiness, etc. etc. you will win a cash prize! Also, depending on the quality of the game, your game may be featured on GameBird! (Terms and conditions apply) Now that is what we call a fantastic prize!

Additional Rules

  • Be cool! Do not have the following – nudity, sexism, racism, abusive language, or visuals that contains any of the mentioned elements.
  • The game must be developed for web browsers and mobile (Unity Web GL build + APK formats for instance). Web browser compatibility is preferred
  • Remember to submit only one game per team using this platform: https://itch.io/jam/developers-game-jam-gamebird
  • Do remember to add the following:
    • Your game’s title
    • Up to 150 words story behind the game
    • The names of the characters
    • A link to a playable version
    • A video of the game play
    • One or more creative visuals
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