
A Hackathon is an innovative and agile way of designing new products, bringing new ideas to life and solving socio-economic problems. With the evolving technology of modern times, Hackathons enable organisations to deploy these technologies to address challenges pertaining to various domains such as Edtech, Healthtech, Fintech, Agritech and so on. A hackathon can be a 2 – 3 days activity or may last upto a few weeks or so whereby people from various fields including technology, academia, social sciences, civil services come together to find solutions to our everyday problems. The participants of a hackathon may work together as a team forming multiple teams or as individuals. At the end of a hackathon, a jury of experts from relevant industries and backgrounds vote for the winning ideas. These ideas may then turn into lucrative business opportunities.

Hackathons at Telenor

Each year Telenor Velocity hosts a hackathon with the ambition to garner innovation among the youth of Pakistan by providing them the opportunity to demonstrate their talent and connect with industry leaders.

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